Get ready people, it's that time again. My favorite time of year. Gardening season! Tomorrow the
kinderGARDEN series starts again. We can't wait! *photo by Matthew of yours truly

Matthew has been loving being outside. Yesterday and today we've worked in the garden and he also has wandered around taking photos. *photo by Matthew

*photo by Matthew

*photo by Matthew

So the garden was a wreck, as usual. We have terrible follow thru with fall clean up. It was set up as a 2 plot square foot garden. The frames have long since rotted away. We don't square foot garden, so it was wasted space. I've decided to make some changes.

*photo by Matthew

Matthew helped me dig up probably over 50 bricks that had been partially or completely buried over time. They were the walk ways once upon a time.

Then he took advantage of loose soil in the best way possible!

Voila! All bed with a brick border, except for the middle path. I can kneel on the bricks and reach to the back of the beds. I think it will be great. We can plant things like yard long beans and gourds next to the fence and plant other stuff in front. Matthew is dying to plant seeds and I am too. I have a tiny section yet to dig up, otherwise we are ready to go. If the rain holds off, we'll be able to plant at least some of it in the morning!

The biggest surprise was finding this iris baby in the middle of the garden! I had tried grow iris seeds in a pot that I think I repurposed for growing the pumpkins last year. I think that's how this little guy got here. I moved it to the flower beds. I also discovered the day before that we had daylilies growing in the middle of the yard, that have been mowed off every summer I've been live. I quickly went and dug up some from every clump and added them to the flower beds. Can't wait to see if they are different from the others on the property!
Wonderful garden restoration that the two of you did today! Thanks!
Isn't it fortunate that Auntie provided the construction equipment?
I love Matthew's photos! His are better than mine!
Wow! -- you two hauled! Looks grand. Matthew did a nice job with photography and his yard toys. No wonder you are tired and sunburned. Looks like about a 6-hr project, to me.
I think I put in a good 5 1/2 hours! Now it's sprinkling, so I may have to postpone for awhile.
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