We are roughing it right now the non-camping way. We are eating strange food combos trying to eat up what we have.

Our living room looks like this because...

...our bedroom looks like this.

As well as the 2 spare rooms. For the last week we've kicked rump and got 95% of the house packed into storage. We have the 2 spare rooms completely cleaned and ready for inspection. Our bedroom and bathroom will be by the end of the day. Matthew's room will be completely cleaned out tomorrow and everything in the living room will be too so that the carpets can be cleaned Friday. By Monday morning, we'll be gone. Even though this hasn't been my favorite place to live, I feel a little sad. Monday Phil will start his new job and get to move into his new abode. We'll stay with him for a week or so and then Matthew and I will head back home.

But before you worry that it's been all work and no fun, don't, Matthew has been pushing us to take breaks for fun!
WOW you guys did kick rump!!! Way to go.
Good for you three--you and Phil for working so hard and Matthew for making you take breaks! A phase in your lives is ending and a new one is beginning!
I don't envy you, my dear. :( Hoping you feel more settled soon!
Thank you Angela and Mom. Kirsten, you sure you don't want to live on the edge? We'll be settled as much as possible soon!
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