For a week now he has been showing up with silly putty mustaches. He announces he is Mr. Potato Head while sporting them. Today he showed up with it on his nose.
In journalism class we used to fray out baling twine and stick it onto masking tape when someone wondered how he's look. Electrican's tape works pretty well, too, for the young guys, and duct tape for the senior fellows, without the fuss of drawing it on with eyebrow pencil. See what lies ahead for you in your son's new look?
Ever wonder why this site is called About a Bug? Well, that would be my fault. Hours after I had Matthew, I started calling him my bug-a-boo. He was just so cute and precious. Slowly over time he became my bug and more family members adopted that as a nickname. When we decided to start the blog, it seemed only appropriate to call it "about a bug," because isn't everything about the baby? Matthew thinks so.
Definitely a new look! Ha ha!
Looks more like a sickly fishing worm to me, but don't say I said so!
It wasn't his best example, but for some reason he's getting camera shy...
In journalism class we used to fray out baling twine and stick it onto masking tape when someone wondered how he's look. Electrican's tape works pretty well, too, for the young guys, and duct tape for the senior fellows, without the fuss of drawing it on with eyebrow pencil. See what lies ahead for you in your son's new look?
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