Daylilies blooming.

Matthew checking out the new truck.

Dad and Matthew with his new truck.

Matthew approves of the bed.

Going for a ride.

Very excited.

Isabelle's favorite sleeping position.

At daddy's this last weekend it got real quiet. When I went in the bedroom this is what I found.

He just loves that Gameboy.

The first cake Matthew and I ever co-decorated. He insisted it be yellow icing and dictated the placement of the bugs.

Happy Birthday Angela! Hope it was a great one!

This bird was very entertaining with all his warbling.

Auntie wrote us a letter and we were very excited about it.

In fact we didn't want to let it go and Scamp started trying to eat it.

2 days before the 4th of July all 5 babies were lined up. After I took the picture they all flew. Notice the nice nest condition.

This is a picture of inside the nest. At the bottom you see the tips of 2 of the 3 eggs within.

Yesterday the demolition crew came in to dismantle the nest. They did not realize there were 3 warm little eggs in it. So after pulling it down, discovering eggs, it was hastily stuck back up. It's not looking so hot now. But that blur of a mother bird flying on the bottom left, insists on raising these eggs into adults. As soon as they fly off, the nest is coming down so we don't have this problem again.

The moon rising.
What a great idea to do a week in photos so you aren't tied to a daily blog, esp during this fine summer weather. Thanks again!
My birthday was GREAT! The cake was yummy and appropriate- I can't wait to show my fellow entomologists. The best part of my day was Matthew saying, "Angela." My name has always been hard for children to say but it is such a joy for me to hear it.
What wonderful photos! We enjoy them so much!!! Matthew has good instincts for color and placement of decorations on the cake! And what a cute photo of the dog trying to eat his dog photo! I loved the moon shot also!!! And all the bird pictures, as well as the delighted looks on the 'boys' faces as they enjoyed their first rides in the new truck!!!
GREAT TRUCK! The "guys" are really loving their road trip. Matthew did a great job supervising your cake! Good Job, Boy! And game boys rock!I have set your "Kansas Moon" shot as my wallpaper. Beautiful photos! Your nestlings look so plump & ready to go. That's a great series of their nest. Thank you again for taking time to share.
Auntie-Thanks for approving my week in review by photos. I didn't plan it that way, but glad it worked out.
Angela-He is still talking about you and thinking we should go visit. If you thought it was clear before, you should hear it now!
Mom-Thanks as always!
Susan-Thanks! I'm so honored that you set my photo as wallpaper! Dad's last truck was your grandfather's that he bought. Can you imagine how badly he needed a new truck???
Might that be a mocking bird on the wind vane? Did it fly straight up a foot, come down, and start over?
I never did see it fly, but I believe from how it sang that it probably was. I didn't know we had mocking birds here.
You can come visit anytime- just let me know when since my afternoons are best. I may be able to visit soon I just need to get the car in to the shop, AGAIN.
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