Are you excited?! A real giveaway. And this one is very personal since it's a collection of the majority of pottery I threw or built in the 5 years I took pottery classes. It's too much for me and some of it is down right hideous, if you ask me. But one man's junk is another's treasure. I hate to throw it in the dump, but that's probably where it's headed. Almost all of it is fired in cooking safe glazes. I believe only the raku (all the cracked metallic stuff) is not food safe. My pottery teacher said we could bake with it, I believe. For sure you could drink or eat off it and put it in the dishwasher. I am not asking for a penny, unless someone wants so much shipped it costs me money. Then I'll ask for shipping. I can't go broke for my creative genius. I know what my husband will say. "You have to stop giving your stuff away. Charge for it. At least $5, I beg you." Drumroll please...

All right, now and then this silly program won't load the pictures right. So crink your head to the right and proceed on please. This is the entire group on it's side. All right, I had them in rows. Starting with the back left: 1 porcelian goblet, 5 brown goblets, and 1 covered bowl. The 2 in between the last 2 rows: 2 raku'ed string pots Second to last row: 1 horn, 1 unglazed bowl, 1 green pot, 7 plates, and 1 covered bowl with a flower for a lid. Back middle row: 1 raku bowl-little to no cracking, 1 raku coil pot, 1 piece made of 3 connected pots, 1 cracked raku bowl, 1 sm purple bowl with flower etching, 1 creamer pitcher, and 1 vase shaped like a horseshoe. Front middle row: 1 vase, 1 raku bowl, 1 small heart shaped bowl, 1 slab pot, 1 diamond shaped slab pot with lid, 1 small bowl or cup without handle, and 1 vase. Second to front row: 1 raku bowl, 1 plate, and 4 cups. Front row: 1 egg in 2 pieces, 1 slab pot vase, 1 very cracked raku pot, 1 shallow blue bowl, 1 shallow black bowl, and a sugar bowl with lid. 46 pieces in total.

Another refusing to load right side up. Anyway, here's the first closeup...

2nd...awww, right side up...


and finally 4th. And no, my pottery horn does not make a single noise unless you make it.

Here's 2 more I forgot to photograph with the rest. A "sculpture" I had to make for a 3-D design class. The teacher made us make the craziest, most impractical stuff. I worked so hard on it I hate to toss it. And 1 pottery bowl.

Oh for the love of Pete. They keep coming. The stinky part about pottery class was we had a list of stuff we HAD to make and FIRE and GLAZE, whether it was good or not. This is why I have so much stuff. Sigh. So finally another 2 I forgot about...very small vases. You can get 1 flower stem down them (Teehee moment: When I left tonight my Dad wanted to know if I was taking my candlestick holders. Oops, well, if it works for you be my guest!) So if you are interested, be sure to let me know soon by email or comments, because these limited edition About a Bug pottery pieces are destined to leave soon, one way or another.

These 2 are not part of the giveaway, just 2 of the best pieces I managed to make over the 5 years I took pottery.

So if it wasn't obvious enough, Matthew and I went through all the 8 large rubbermaid storage tubs in the basement of my parents house. I had used them as storage for long enough. At least in the basement. Now we aren't going to talk about my timewarp of a room. It's too scary to tackle. Maybe I should let my Dad scoop and toss...No! Scratch that, he'll toss good stuff. My Grandmother Stella's doll is still up there. Anyway, we were gone most of the day. When we pulled in the driveway we were greeted by this. (At least the electric company had stopped earlier in the day and asked. I should have asked for a discount on my next bill for parking services, darn.) It caused great excitement for Matthew.

A plant preview and...

...a Matthew preview. I got some cute pics the other day, but I'll save them for next time. This is the About a Bug giveaway day and I really hope to unload some pottery!