This is the last week of show and tell on kinderGARDEN Thursdays. Next Thursday is the judging of the final post, which is to be the best of the last 23 weeks. Ohhhh, the pressure to write up a really good post! (It talks about it in this weeks
The Inadvertent Farmer.) But we aren't there yet, so let's see what Matthew and I did this week.

I learned to can last weekend! My relative, Lorri and I made applesauce, apple butter, and apple jelly. Yum! We used 3 bags of apples and I left a fourth bag for her mom. Then I visited my Auntie, who wanted the last bag for crockpot applesauce. Since the week before I had picked everything you could get from the ground, up I had to go. Dad and Matthew raised me way up in the air, in the bucket of the loader tractor, to pick another 2 bags. That's the last of the apples I can reach for the fall. 8 bags total. Since Monday, I've made crockpot apple butter and apple sauce so that we can save our canned goodies till deep in the winter.

I checked on the garden at Dad's house. We have turnips going to town. The pumpkin vines look good, but we won't get any pumpkins this year. Sigh.

We noticed Dad has a tomato bush covered in 17 pear tomatoes finally! The Brandywine even has a few. I was so disappointed that mine own didn't have any, especially since the 2nd tomato rotted on the vine.

But our purple green beans keep going strong.

And then I noticed them next to the beans. 2 Cream Sausage babies.

And next to them, 3 Black Pineapple babies! Maybe we might have a handful of tomatoes before frost after all. I'm overjoyed!

The weather has been so fall like lately that yesterday Matthew and I went to the local nursery and looked at mums for the front porch and pumpkins. Truly, I think he wanted one of very color (and I did too), but for now we brought home his favorite. He is impatient to get this little guy turned into a jack-o-lantern. But he'll have to wait a bit. After all, it's only September...
Congrats on the canning! That pic of the apple tree looks wonderful - we don't have them here :(
Love your apple-picking picture! That seems like a nice, sturdy way to reach those ones that are wayyyyy up on top. :)
Now that's how apple picking should be done: on a front loader! I wasnt' sure at first what he was standing on. He, he - silly me.
So many of us have been waiting on tomatoes to ripen. Just talking about that at lunch this afternoon at work - it's mid-September and all but two of the tomatoes are green. We're running out of time here folks. Fried Green Tomatoes may be in order soon.
Wow... all that apple crock potting and canning sounds wonderful. I bet your house has smelled amazing lately.
And purple string beans??? I never knew. Those would be a surprising, but lovely side dish. I'm going to keep that in mind for next year!!!
Love your apple picking machine :)
Erin, thank you! I'm soooo excited. I can finally save stuff that's healthy!
Grace, well, it was sturdy, but I was a little nervous about being lifted up.
Conny, I don't know if it's the way it should be done, but it was fun! It has really stunk for tomatoes everywhere I think.
MommyTopics, oh the house has smelled awesome! I love it. I'll be so sad when I run out of yummy apples to cook with.
ZippyZippy, thanks so much!
Oh! Canning! That's on my 1001 things I want to learn to do this month. I've just been DYING to learn!
I love those purple beans. And don't give up on the tomatoes! Mine are coming back a little with the cooler weather.
Fun post!
You are having a ton of fun, I can tell! It's good to hear about someone using the apples off their tree instead of letting them rot. Apple butter...hmmm, sounds like a great idea!
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