All week we've continued to watch our 2 tomatoes slowly turning the perfect shade of red. Boring stuff really. We had to find other ways to amuse ourselves.

One day I came across this little guy making a bed in my oregano.

A couple days later this guy was in my hollyhock sprouts kicking dirt out of the way. (I would have thought it was the same one, but the spots are different.) They've been quite the addition to the garden this week hopping all over the place.

Still the occasional frog/toad sighting wasn't enough to keep us busy, so we head back for more apples. Matthew has been asking for apples morning, noon, and night. It's all he wants to eat. He has basically ate all we picked last week. This time we pressed Poppa into service.

Matthew had a blast "helping" his Poppa.

This picture is to help show how truly big this apple tree is. Dad is around 6'1 1/2". It is taller then the machine shed it's next to. And this is only half of the tree. We got all the good apples that were in arm reach. The whole top half is still loaded with apples. I felt like the fox that wanted the grapes, but couldn't reach them. We gathered 5 grocery bags full. This weekend I'm taking some of them with me to can! I can't wait!
Don't forget to see what is happening with the rest of the kinderGARDENer's. Head over to
The Inadvertent Farmer and see a hobbit house!
I'm glad your tomatoes are ripening. Aple picking looks like it would be fun. This week I discovered that all the apples I like to eat are for pies but the ones I like in pies are for eating. Odd, isn't it?
I wish we had apple orchards here but it's too hot! Cute froggie!
those pictures of your little guy with his grandpa are too precious! what wonderful memories you are making.
Frogs are so fun! We hear them at night in the spring, but don't see them very often. we have the tiny green kind around here mostly. I should check our apple tree, I almost forget we have one! It is old and we don't spray it so the apples aren't beauties, but they are fine for juicing and pies! Hmmmm--looks like I have a lot to blog next week!
You grow great flowers & gardens & apple trees but ESPECIALLY handsome little boys. My goodness, tell Matthew they do look very tasty to me too.
Somehow those critters look like little garden toads to me--more dry land-ish and less aquatic than frogs. ??? Of course there are tree-frogs with suction-cup toes. You take such cool shots of family activities. Besides being wonderful now, someday Matthew will have a great time showing them to his kids or grandkids. Happy canning. Now that I have a crock-pot I can make lots of great apple butter!
The picture of the lone apple stuck in the branches looks like the beginning of a painting to me. And I agree that Matthew looks so happy with his poppa, and the feeling is totally mutual! Auntie, it sounds like you have the crock pot and the recipe, now all you need is to get someone to deliver some apples! Better yet, come and join the picking parties!
Angela, apple picking is fun. I would never think anything you did was odd. :)
Erin, maybe you'll move somewhere with apples one day, till then I bet you have citrus trees!
Kirsten, they are fabulously precious together. Preserving memories seems even sweeter now with Matthew in the mix.
Cathryn, frogs are the best! You should check your tree. Ours is old, apples aren't beautiful, but ahhh, the taste!
NAsuzyQ, I'm so glad to see you showing up again! We do grow some wonderful stuff here.
Auntie, I wish I could smell and taste your apple butter. I'm glad I could provide the apples. :)
Mom, you are right, it enchanted me...
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