Today was the much anticipated reveal of who won awards during the kinderGARDEN contest series, sponsored and designed by Kim at The Inadvertent Farmer. If you haven't gone and read her blog yet, get your clicking finger on the link I provide every week and get over there! She is awesome and who wouldn't love to read stories about a camel named Gizmo? (I think that's why I fell in love with her blog.) Anyway, back to awards. To read who won what go here.
Matthew and I are super excited because when we got to the next to last award we read this:
"*Finally there is the person that was most involved...the best cheerleader! About a Bug posted almost every single week. She was sweet enough to go and comment on other's posts all the time, her enthusiasm made me smile. So the cheerleader award goes to About a Bug!"
Oh my goodness, what an honor! Once again Kim, thank you so much for this incredible opportunity to grow stuff with my child, that I would have passed on this summer, due to us moving. I'm so glad that your contest tempted me so much that I just had to find a way to make it work for us. I mean, isn't that the way of the true gardener? Garden against all odds? Anyway, I'm super excited to try new things with Matthew next year in the garden.
A huge congratulations to Kirsten, over at Thanks for the Lemonade for winning best overall! I've gotten to know her a little better because she allowed me to send her purple green beans. I just love her blog. She truly had the kinderGARDEN spirit. The award is well deserved.
Two more of my personal favorite blogs won awards. Faith over at faith buss has the most delightful children that have "shopped" their way into winning the best veggie award. Cathryn at The Farrm, which has a truly wonderful garden (no matter what she says), won best reuse/recycle for making a teepee from old sunflower stalks! Lastly, but not least, My Freezer is Full won for best flowers. Go check them out as they have some awesome flowers over there.
Lastly if you are still with me, the people's choice award is still hanging out there. It won't be us, because we didn't make the cut, but still feel free to go and vote! Kim has assured us that she'll do this again next year. So if you have a child around, grab them and join in the fun next year!