It is certainly the dog days of summer. It's so hot. But Matthew has been faithfully watering his plants.

His hard work is paying off in the pepper pot.

Hey Matthew, what are you doing? Well, I take this seed ball in my hand and I step on it...

See Mom??? We seem to have "wild garlic" in the flower bed and this is it's top set. I would saying it's walking onions, but some of it is definitely garlic.

Here is a picture of the plants that have died off for the time being.

A bee doing good work in a pumpkin blossom.

This guy has been a guest in our garden the last couple days. Matthew and I were pretty intrigued by him.

One of the radishes has popped up. It has such a long stem that Matthew thinks it's broken. I told him to just wait.

We seem to have alot of baby carrots going.

And most exciting of all, we have our first baby tomato. I told a friend of mine that they were setting blooms, but none were catching. She told me to take a finger and thump the flowers gently to help them. I don't know if it worked or not, but we have a tomato and that's enough for me!
Week 16 of The Inadvertent Farmer is
I'm glad you were able to post pictures this week. It looks like your garden is slowly coming around. Your dragonfly looks like it might be a libuellid but I would need to look at the hind wing veins.
yay! your garden looks great!
thanks for the sympathy...you have mine as well. we had squash bugs the last time we tried pumpkins/gourds. hope you can zap those buggers!
Matthew did a great job watering; his pepper plant is beautiful!
Angela, I'm glad I got to post pictures too. I got my computer back late Thursday night.
Kirsten, I worked on the problem tonight, we'll see how it goes.
Grace, He really has done a super job. I love that pepper plant because it is thriving!
Cool dragonfly-it looks metallic!
I'm going to try to get some shots of our here to share.
I am amazed how that barely-3 boy has been able to stay focused on gardening, even in the heat, and even with frustrations about this or that. I know that a lot of his focus is from your guidance and inspiration. Anyway, you two are doing great things with those pots in the back yard!
You're doing such a great job! Love this post.
Cathryn, can't wait to see your photos!
Auntie, The boy will take an opportunity to play in the water!
faith buss, Thanks so much!
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