Matthew got to fall asleep all weekend to purr of his other faithful friend, Isabelle.

Once he fell asleep, Isabelle felt she was too far away and moved closer to cuddle. She had her head on his, but in typical cat fashion, you have to move for the picture.


When will they listen and just let me in...
What fun shots. Critters like Matthew, don't they! You could ask your mom about the kittens in the saplings, and the cats who used to watch us eat--if you haven't heard a thousand times already!
I think your kittens have noticed that Pan and Isobel get to be inside with the family! Does Isobel join Matthew before or after he falls asleep?
Matthew is surrounded by furry love: his heart is kind because animals just KNOW, don't they! What heart-warming pictures of your little purr-fect family!
The pics are SOOO cute.
I guess Pan has to learn how to share the "staff" with the other kitties. BTW- How is Miss Pan doing today?
Good, Pandora actually was very happy to see us picking her up. She was so relieved, she forgot to be cranky with us. I believe she has agreed to share the staff and bed with Isabel, but so far she is refusing to let the maid have much to do with the kittens. She refuses to be swayed by their orphan status!
Yes, the kittens know that Pan and Isabel live inside! Pan's fought them out of the dining room before! I think they are fun pics. I'm glad others do to. Yes, pets always know the good vs the bad people. I guess they are just pure souls.
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