Here is a shot from when we first got parked. Phil was told about 4,000 bikes were riding in this charity ride for March of Dimes.

Here is another shot. Behind the fence is a steady stream of bikes driving in.

Here we on the highway stopped because there is so many bikes getting off and trying to go through a little town. The guy in front of us in the Army riding jacket is Phil's old station commander. The jacket is also identical to the one we just got Phil for his b-day.

People all along the route were holding signs and waving. It was pretty cool.

Here is a shot of how as far as we could see was bikes moving along.

I had to take this shot because real bikes got caught up with our "bikes." We had the road so blocked that they could not pass us. They had to stop and go like the rest of us.

This is a picture of a flag they had raised in a little town we went through. I wished I'd gotten a picture of the huge flag they had raised at the very beginning that we drove under.

This next picture is edited to preserve the G rating on this web site. We pulled up to a little bar and grill in the middle of no where that had this for their sign. It was very life like looking and out of all the guys I was with, I was the one to see her first.

When we got back, they had of course moved the fire trucks and flag and then placed flags along the road. It felt very patriotic. Which made sense, since we were in a group of military riders that named the group "Band of Brothers." The guy in front of us is Phil's new station commander.
We had a good time for the most part, but it was such a long ride. I'm still very sore in places I didn't know I could be. I surprised I wasn't to scare on the bike. I haven't got to ride with him since Matthew was born. While we were up there we got to hang out a little bit with my aunt. She has found the best stuff for Matthew to play with. I'm excited for him to get to go play over there again. We also found time to go a very cool store called the Curious Sofa. Every year they go all out decorating for Halloween and Christmas. I just wish I had the money to afford to buy ALOT of stuff from there. After seeing her witch legs I'm really wanting to find mannequin legs. So if you ever just run across a pair of mannequin legs just laying around, be sure to pick them up for me.
Thanks for sharing the photos and for both of you taking your time and money to support the babies! It looks like a fun day (except for the part about getting sore)!
You all did a good thing on that ride! No wonder people greeted you. Thank you for all the bike shots. I noticed an awesome jacket when we pulled the trunk out, but was distracted. If your guy is too shy to model it, would you post a hanger shot of it?
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