Thursday, September 24, 2009
The fates don't like us

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Happy Birthday Daddy/Phil!!!!
Anyway, Matthew and I hope that you have an excellent birthday! As soon as we can get you on the phone, Matthew is ready to sing you Happy Birthday. We love you.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
The Bikers for Babies ride

We had a good time for the most part, but it was such a long ride. I'm still very sore in places I didn't know I could be. I surprised I wasn't to scare on the bike. I haven't got to ride with him since Matthew was born. While we were up there we got to hang out a little bit with my aunt. She has found the best stuff for Matthew to play with. I'm excited for him to get to go play over there again. We also found time to go a very cool store called the Curious Sofa. Every year they go all out decorating for Halloween and Christmas. I just wish I had the money to afford to buy ALOT of stuff from there. After seeing her witch legs I'm really wanting to find mannequin legs. So if you ever just run across a pair of mannequin legs just laying around, be sure to pick them up for me.
This is not the blog I intended to post
Well, we are all a little sore, rundown, and sick at our house. I was all set to blog about Phil's and my ride on Sunday and all the ins and outs of that, but fate stepped in first. I had left Matthew with his grandparents Sat afternoon. He seemed just fine during the day. Then that night he started sounding congested and coughing. By time I got home Sunday evening, he was tired and was developing a barking cough. Just like all the other kids at daycare. All that evening and Monday morning he was flirting with fever. So we went ahead and went to work. After 8 hours he spiked a definite fever and went home. Tynenol wasn't really taking the fever down, but he seemed ok and went to bed. After an hour he was up sobbing, very hot-a degree hotter then when went to bed, chilling, and threw up. His barking cough had gotten much worse and I got scared. So I called Mom and she drove up so we could take him to the emergency room. We got there at 11:30, and for the first time ever, it was empty so we got right in. They immediately gave him stuff to take the fever down. (It was up to 102.2.) After that we went and waited to see the doctor. He decided it was croup and had him take a nebulzer treatment. We got sent home with more medicine to take till the cough and fever are better. When we left he was feeling pretty chipper and proud to be up so late with the big people. By 2:15am he was in bed and asleep again. Around 4 he woke up in a panic again, because he and the bed was pretty soaked because his fever must have broken. The doctor said he should be feeling ok enough to sent back to daycare, but I'd planned to keep him home anyway. And I'm glad I did because he is very tired and his cough is still pretty bad. I'm hoping he'll be up to going tomorrow, but we'll see. Later, if I feel up to it, I'll try to post our weekend pics. Hope all of you have a much less exciting start to the week!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Matthew and I went shopping today. Mommy needed a new helmet for a charity ride that her and Daddy are going on soon. Her old one was so tight that it gave her headaches. (And it'd fallen off the bike once and then Mom heaved it once...minor, minor issues...unless you are talking about the one thing that might keep you alive in a crash...) Anyway, Matthew helped me look, but he was much more into the motorcycles. He kept trying to escape me so that he could talk to his lady love, but Mom had visions on one after another, after another, tumbling down, so she kept a tight watch on him. He was crushed. On the way out of the store, he announced he needed a helmet too. I told him soon enough he'd be cruising around with Dad. For now he has to settle with modeling Mommy's new helmet.

Isn't he just a great model?
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Kids, kittens, kin and krazy birds
Monday, September 14, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
The cats are running the place (and Pan hates every moment.)
Friday, September 4, 2009
...Later in the week
Last night it started raining. I love falling to sleep hearing the rain plopping on the roof. It always feels so cozy. This morning the fog was worthy of London. Thick like pea soup. It was starting to thin around 11:30. It's gone now and the day is starting to take a humid quality. But Matthew doesn't care. He's busy no matter what the weather. He was talking into a toy this morning reminding me, Daddy, and Matthew to take their medicine. Then he started very sternly telling Auntie to take her's. Well, Auntie, did you finally listen and take your medicine!
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