All of us at About a Bug hope you had a truly happy Thanksgiving and counted your many blessings.

Our family, minus Phil who had to stay in TX and plus Angela, met at a local buffet for Thanksgiving lunch. That's my Mom's joy, no cooking and no dishes. I prepared a small feast for the evening meal. Our dessert was building our own turkeys. I know that a cooking magazine put out the official recipe, but I've took it and ran with stuff I could find and had on hand.

I convinced Mom to go on the trail with me and the dogs Friday.

We went again Sunday and it was a little chilly, but so beautiful.

Friday Auntie arrived and gave some new clothes. Here he is posing in some new duds, Saturday, before we went to meet some friends for the day.

On Thanksgiving day Angela and I went on the trail and were blessed to get within 10-15 ft of this lovely doe eating acorns. It was amazing.
Monday, it was hard to get out the door, back in the swing of it. Not long after I arrived at work, we got a call that Grandmom fell and they were x-raying her hip. I took most of the afternoon off to help Mom to an out of town hospital to set up the arrangements for Grandmom's surgery. She did indeed break it and will need the ball replaced.