...because there will be a time your spouse won't and will still lock the door behind themselves.
$31.95 and a hour later you'll be back in your house. You won't have made it where you were trying to go though.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Spring fling

Happy Spring!
family outings,
Matthew's friends,
Phil's photos,
Monday, March 14, 2011

And finally I was so excited to see that kinderGARDENS will be happening again this summer! I was on pins and needles. I transplanted out some seedlings today. We'll have to see how they do.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Spring springing and more

Thursday, March 10, 2011
The cough
This week we've been keeping Matthew at home resting because his cough got really bad. Monday he hacked every 30 seconds I swear. Since we were out of garlic, I asked Phil to bring some home. Tuesday, I gave him 2 big mugs of garlic tea over the day and by evening he was a new boy. Still coughing, but not near as much and much perkier. I'd say he's pretty much over it, but Phil wants him to stay away from the kids at storytime, just in case they expose him to something else that kicks it back in.
So, I'll leave you with photos of Matthew at gymnastics, I meant to post last fall. He took lessons from July-October and loved them.

So, I'll leave you with photos of Matthew at gymnastics, I meant to post last fall. He took lessons from July-October and loved them.

Monday, March 7, 2011
Chuckie Cheese

Sunday, March 6, 2011
New information
Sooo, the latest news is that we get a 1 bedroom apartment and it's FURNISHED. And we are responsible for the move 100%. So my BIG problem is (and remember I hoard like I lived during the depression, the you-never-know-when-you-might-need-it-and-once-it's-gone-I-find-a-use-for-it type hoarder)... What is most important to take and what do I pack for storage? Obviously, bathroom stuff, food, Matthew's bed and toys (at least some) and books, but what else is really important and needs to come? A few decoratives? Holiday decorations? My sewing machine and a small stash of crafts? Help! Give me your ideas!
Friday, March 4, 2011
A bug caught us
Yesterday we had a truly excellent day. In the morning we went to the 2nd public libraries' story time and made Mardi Gras masks. When we got home, we took Missy for a walk and noticed all the spring changes in his favorite bushes along the way.
This is his favorite bush. See all the new growth right on the edges of the "leaves?" I assume they'll be this years seeds, but I'm not familiar with this bush and we won't be here long enough to document it for a year.
After Dad came home, we took Matthew to play at the park. He loves having his Dad chase him at the park.

Around bedtime Matthew, who was slumped in my lap, asked, "Is it almost my bedtime?" I said, "Yes it is, are you tired?" "Yes." "Do you want me to tuck you in?" "Yes, and read 2 bedtime stories." So, very surprised, I tucked him in, and followed all the rituals (2 stories, hugs and kisses, read the story wall hanging and tell Dad it's his turn to say goodnight.) I didn't hear another peep all night. Lately he loudly sings any song he can think of to stay awake and plays with his animals, so that he can stay up till we go to bed. Really I don't know why we try and enforce a bedtime, except if we let him stay up he gets really whiny and grouchy. Anyway, in the middle of the night, I heard him calling me and crying. As I was hurriedly getting up, he announced, "I'm sick" and proceeded to retch. I picked him up and rushed him to the bathroom in the nick of time. Poor guy. His almost year healthy streak ended. This morning he is subdued, but cheerful, with a low grade fever. No more sickness, but I'm being cautious today anyway. He has a nasty sounding cough though. I think he got that from a little boy coughing on him at storytime this week or it's sinus drainage.
One more thing I'd like to talk about is this neat article I saw in Old House Gardens newest newsletter. It's about plants that react to TNT as bomb sniffers. I'd love to be a part of that research. I knew I should have gotten a biology degree in plant science. And if you haven't ever visited or shopped at Old House Gardens, you really need to check them out. They are a FABULOUS company. Need a little extra incentive to visit them? They are having a 10% off sale on their dahlias through the 9th.

Around bedtime Matthew, who was slumped in my lap, asked, "Is it almost my bedtime?" I said, "Yes it is, are you tired?" "Yes." "Do you want me to tuck you in?" "Yes, and read 2 bedtime stories." So, very surprised, I tucked him in, and followed all the rituals (2 stories, hugs and kisses, read the story wall hanging and tell Dad it's his turn to say goodnight.) I didn't hear another peep all night. Lately he loudly sings any song he can think of to stay awake and plays with his animals, so that he can stay up till we go to bed. Really I don't know why we try and enforce a bedtime, except if we let him stay up he gets really whiny and grouchy. Anyway, in the middle of the night, I heard him calling me and crying. As I was hurriedly getting up, he announced, "I'm sick" and proceeded to retch. I picked him up and rushed him to the bathroom in the nick of time. Poor guy. His almost year healthy streak ended. This morning he is subdued, but cheerful, with a low grade fever. No more sickness, but I'm being cautious today anyway. He has a nasty sounding cough though. I think he got that from a little boy coughing on him at storytime this week or it's sinus drainage.
One more thing I'd like to talk about is this neat article I saw in Old House Gardens newest newsletter. It's about plants that react to TNT as bomb sniffers. I'd love to be a part of that research. I knew I should have gotten a biology degree in plant science. And if you haven't ever visited or shopped at Old House Gardens, you really need to check them out. They are a FABULOUS company. Need a little extra incentive to visit them? They are having a 10% off sale on their dahlias through the 9th.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Dr. Seuss's Birthday

Tuesday, March 1, 2011
An old friend
Today Matthew and I unloaded up in the car to go see my old friend, Becky, just to find that it was idling so low, I couldn't get the car to stay running. Thank goodness it was lunchtime and Phil was able to come home and save me.
We met because our husbands were in the same company, deployed at the same time. At a FRG meeting she kept hitting me in the head (by accident) and somehow that sealed a friendship. After the guys came back her family, was PCS'd to Kentucky. While Phil was there for school, they graciously let him come out on the weekends to escape the barracks. I saw her when I went out for his graduation and that was the last time I got to see her. That was June '06. Now we are both stationed here and were finally able to meet up. When she heard I was pregnant with Matthew, she called me and said, "I had a dream last night. You had your baby. It was a boy and he looked like Phil and had your facial expressions." I blame her for the reason that Matthew was a boy! Today she was able to see that Matthew is exactly like how she dreamed. Looks like Phil, has my eyes and facial expressions. It was so wonderful to see her again.

Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival
Just a quick note to let you all know that our snow study was included in March's Blog Carnival over at The Handbook of Nature Study.
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