I've put alot of pictures on of Matthew and said a little about what he is up to, but I haven't said any of his catch phrases for a long time. He says alot of, "Ok, go ahead" "Yeah, me think so" "Me no tired" "Not naptime, no not naptime." He has worked really hard on toilet training this last month. He has started being able to tell me the words on each pg of his favorite books. (Some of the books we just got in the last week or 2.) Mom informs me this is a pre reading skill. He threw his winter coat into the wet paint, the last day of painting, and now has yellow on it I can't get off. He has been very, very active and cooped up with all the bad weather. He can put a 24 piece puzzle together by himself. He is very into "2v" as he calls it. I have to work hard to limit his screen time everyday. The TV did me a favor by breaking today, so he is very limited! Thanks to our generous cousin, Tiffany, he has a ball deciding which pair of shoes to wear everyday. (Thanks Tiff, I love watching him have fun with it!) Matthew used to be an extremely picky eater, but he's really started opening up and eating more food. It is so much easier to cook now because 90% of it he'll eat. He has finally cut ties with his apple juice addiction and moved to milk. For a little boy that used to be such a picky eater, this child has never met a flavor of candy he didn't like! At school he loves to push a baby in a baby stroller. This may seem like an odd thing for him to do, but he goes to school with 4 boys and 9 girls. 2 of the boys are babies, barely starting to crawl, so it's the in thing to push babies right now. And the boys all fight for the strollers too!
I guess that about summons up where Matthew is right now. He does so many cute things everyday I haven't bothered to remember to post them. I think I have the winter blahs. It keeps getting super cold and snowing, then it melts and it's super muddy, then it snows, then melts, repeat for the last 2 months. I hope by April it will be better consistently nice and we can go outside and RUN daily. Not to mention, flowers! Anyone else have the winter blahs? If so, I'd love to hear how you beat them back and have fun and inspiration.
One day I went into the fabric store and walked around the new spring-colored fabrics til I felt better.
Thanks for the updates! Sounds as if you all are making great strides and enjoying them.
Visiting my grandson helps cure my winter blahs! (And my daughter and son in law!)
I love pics of the boy playing with legos- they make me feel like I have accomplished my mission in life :)
Winter Blahs! mmm, I guess I try to enjoy the nice days and look for the good in the not so nice days????
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