...I know because we read about it at school. Then the chickens give the eggs to the Easter Bunny to hide them. So why would we dye eggs?" Why indeed. So we didn't dye eggs. And the heavens poured forth hallelujahs Sunday, since Jesus was raised from the dead and the chickens had done their work.
Ever wonder why this site is called About a Bug? Well, that would be my fault. Hours after I had Matthew, I started calling him my bug-a-boo. He was just so cute and precious. Slowly over time he became my bug and more family members adopted that as a nickname. When we decided to start the blog, it seemed only appropriate to call it "about a bug," because isn't everything about the baby? Matthew thinks so.
HA! Love it! But I must admit, I would miss the dyeing. Why let the chickens have all the fun?
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