My assistant gardener is having many problems with his snout lately. I don't know how he manages such things. Cuts all the way up the snout, feet that he keeps slicing open (a whole paw pad sliced in half last spring), I just give up. I may have to hire a less accident prone assistant. Moving on to the real story...

Because I'm such an awesome dedicated gardener I always clean up the garden immediately in the fall. I wouldn't have soaker hoses still down or ornamental garden stakes all over the ground. I'd certainly never leave frost killed plants in the ground. *insert sound of clearing of the throat here*

Ok, so I hardly ever clean up the garden, but it might have finally paid off. I found a carrot yesterday! People laughed at how thickly Matthew
sown them. By the end of the summer, they weren't even close to being ready, but now they are looking a little like carrots, 8 months later. We'll have to see if we till up full sized baby carrots in the spring.
Um, I would *never* leave things untidy for the winter either (cough, cough).
What a darling carrot. I bet it was tasty! Just the right size for Matthew to eat in one bite!
That wee little carrot should take away the taste of excess heat, drought, and bugs!
(BTW, I would never leave MY garden untidy after garden season--if I had one, that is!)
Looks to me as if your asst has been shoving his snoot where it doesn't belong, like into a tin can. Has he been snooping around somebody's dump site and cutting his paws on glass?
Judy, he was very pleased to eat the pea sized bite! He said it was very tasty. I'm not sure if I should pull the others or let them grow more...
Auntie, Ha!, well you probably wouldn't...moving on, no idea, if he's found a site like that it isn't close to the house. I think he sliced one paw on a barbwire fence, another he hurt during a major digging session.
That beautiful little carrot! What a fun surprise.
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