Every full week at preschool, a different child gets to be the star. This week, Matthew was the star. He loved it.

Yesterday, for his last day of being a star he wore his new ranching duds. (He looks like a photo I saw of his Dad around this age.)

Last Friday, on his snack day, he wore some of his other new duds.

And while I was trying to take photos of Matthew with his board, more of his little friends ran up to be in the photo. More the merrier.
On the last day of the star's week, they get to choice with letter goes up the coconut tree. This week is the letter S. Matthew chose the green S to go up the tree.
Preschool is so much fun! I like his new clothes!
To bad Mamaw and I didn't get Preschool. His clothes do look good on him. Love that ranching outfit! He makes a fine star!
MIght I guess the lad isn't too fond of posing in his new duds? He's a good fellow to put up with it.
Tell him his Auntie likes seeing him wearing the clothes because when she chose them she had to guess and try to imagine. This way she gets to see!
Actually he doesn't mind, he just is in a phase of not wanting to smile. In both he is actually posing, lol!
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