The light master went to work today making his annual masterpiece.

I love that there was extra lights because that meant my hibiscus could be lighted as well. The front windows are our bedroom, in case you hadn't realized that.

Matthew and I have the tree decorated. Isabelle keeps trying to mess with it, but the action has slowed ever since the tree talked back one night. (I got an ornament that tells you to go away, no peaking at gifts, if the tree is bumped.) It scared Phil and me as well to hear it loudly go off at 11pm.

Another decoration in the making. Anyone know what it is???
I have alot of Matthew photos. I'll post them later or tomorrow. Stay tuned. :)
Your house looks terrific, indoors and out. Love the red white and blue windows. Just a little something extra there. Are you making an angel?
Nope, but that's a good guess!
I think it is a Christmas tree. And I too like the decorations inside and out! Good work guys!
I forgot to say, that is a hilarious story about the frightening talking ornament!
Yes, it's the tree, but what is it made of???
Ah Maurine, you are too clever!
What is Maurine's prize for winning the contest???
I just now figured it out--from the street, the windows are red, white, and blue! How cool!
Wah! Waaah! Auntie didn't get to guess on the question of what it was made of. Nunfair nunfair!
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