I've been MIA here in blog land due to the fact that most of January I haven't felt too great. I probably still wouldn't, if it wasn't for the fact that my husband insisted that I go to the doctor. Thanks honey. It's been such a mild winter that we have only had a dusting of snow once. I did a picture walk last month and discovered...

...Trees and bushes are starting to bud out...

...spring bulbs are sprouting...

...beautiful sunsets...

...and we still have carrots growing!
sorry you haven't been feeling well! hope you're feeling more like yourself soon!
Nice spring shots, and today it really felt like spring. I hope you are feeling better.
Kirsten, I was on the mend till I got an unfortunate migraine at school yesterday. Ick.
Auntie, thanks, working on the total wellness plan!
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