In the last 10 days I've amassed 140 photos, and there is alot of them that I think are humdingers and share worthy. So stay tuned as I try and post them in logical manners. Tonight's selection, I've decided, will focus on the Bug. Get ready, they are coming!
While we wait for them to load, let's talk for a moment about where I've been. Well I'll tell you, in January, I got what I believe was a sinus infection which caused mass amounts of mucus coming out and down the back of my throat. That lead to me losing my voice by the end of the day and coughing alot trying to get the mucus out of my throat. After fighting it for at least 2 weeks, my husband bullied me into going to the doctor and she ruled it an upper respiratory infection. I was ordered to 2 days of bed rest. I made it one, and only because I threw up after I got home, I coughed so much. All of this caused me to be very tired and melancholy. I really didn't want to talk to anyone or do anything but sleep. Then I discovered that my pants no longer fit so well due to increased waist measurements. So February has been watching what I eat, crunches, and a new gym membership and our storage unit being broken into. (We think all the took was the propane tank for the grill. They left the grill.) It has also brought better health and spirits, along with a busier schedule and an early bedtime for Matthew. Dad and I finally realized that Matthew was exhausted and needed more sleep! That's equaled less computer opportunities and a happier kid. Hopefully, I will make more time to blog as I miss it. I'm sure Phil misses photos of his family too.

Fallen tree in our woods. The last 2 weeks we've spent alot of time outside exploring. I'm so thankful we have the space to explore.

Low water bridge crossing by our house.

We've become pickers! While on the trail we noticed a little dump site and it had this adorable table in it. Yeah, we "picked" it.

Last weekend Matthew was invited to an ice skating birthday party. Pretty cool stuff!

But he just can't stay up on skates!

Eating pizza.

And birthday cupcakes. The 2 girls on his left he's gone to school with his whole life and counts as best friends. The 2 boys on his right he's gone to school with just this year and are his best boy friends.

Momma kisses are the best. This one he insisted he wear to school.

While on a new section of the trail, Mamaw found the perfect grapevine to swing on.

Lucky for him, his didn't break like the one she selected for me when I was a kid. My granddad and his brother used to swing on them all the time.

Comfy with the picked table today. It was so warm and nice, we didn't need coats. Dad and I watched him play outside the better part of the afternoon.

While I was at the gym tonight, Matthew drew this awesome picture. He is so creative when he wants to be.

And here is a rare photo of him with me taken yesterday on the trail. *photo by Mamaw
Coming soon: nature shots, things found growing on or attached to trees, and animals or their parts.