Friday, July 22, 2011
Thursday, July 21, 2011
kinderGARDEN Thursday: week 12
Welcome to our garden on THURSDAY for a change. It's nice to chat on the right day and stuff has been happening around here.
Matthew saying, "Cheese."
Miracle of miracles, Matthew became interested in watering again.
I'd been so proud that in 100+ weather I was able to nurse my lettuce along and had high hopes of being able to pick a fresh tomato and harvest the lettuce finally. Those dreams are dead. Thank you rabbits, hope you feel better.
Matthew behind his tomato plant. I wish the tomatoes would hurry up and ripen. The leaves are curling, which I'm afraid is bad news.
Finally, a welcome visitor to our garden!!!
Nope, no blood has been shed here yet....for now it's just tabasico sauce. Hopefully it encourages the rabbits to not eat our beans. The blooming parts of the green beans have been pretty much munched off.
Except for a plant or 2, all the purple green beans have been mowed to the ground. And 3 of my noodle beans vine was munched through so now their vine is in a glass of water in hopes they can mature and be eaten.
And the best growing tomato volunteer has been heavily munched by a horned tomato worm. It was his misfortunate day to also take a nap on it.
Thankfully the red noodle beans are really blooming. If their vine doesn't get munched, we might have some beans. I picked these 2 and will eating them tomorrow. Yum!
kinderGARDEN 2011
Silver-ish tray
Last Thursday we got up early and drove to KC so that we could be one of the first people in the doors at the Schlepp Sisters Antique Show. There was lots of pretty items, but very few I could justify buying. By there was one I was willing to buy...
This giant silver tray. I use silver loosely as I'm don't think it's truly sterling silver. Maybe plated very, very thinly on the top...
It has little legs, love that!
It even has a little rust in the corners. That makes me like it even more!
I can't wait to have a coffee table again. It will go right in the center to show off whatever it is I want to show off. Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas will be particularly fun!
After shopping we got to see my aunt for a few hours which was fun! Well worth getting up for.
After shopping we got to see my aunt for a few hours which was fun! Well worth getting up for.
Monday, July 18, 2011
What we've been doing for the last month (cause it hasn't been blogging)
Summer Reading Program Party
This year when the summer reading program was over, they decided to throw a party and announce the winners at that time.
Drumroll please...
"And for the 3-6 age group Matthew read the most minutes!" Over a 1000 in 6 weeks, but I don't remember the exact figures. He was speechless and looked confused. They gently dumped his bag at his feet. He won the bag, 3 hard back books and The Land Before Time movie. What a haul!
They painted and ate yummy foods and made balloon animals. This is Matthew's pink mouse.
They brought an author in to tell them a story. She acted out the story from her first book. Matthew was totally enchanted. It was a great party.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
kinderGARDEN Thursday: week 11
To see what other families are doing in the garden go here.
To see our post from last week, that we didn't get linked in time, go here. It talks about the beginning of the aphid saga.
kinderGARDEN 2011,
Matthew's photos,
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
From our house to yours...
kinderGARDEN Thursday: week 10
Well, we are almost a week late posting this week. It's been so hot out lately, we've been hiding out inside tackling projects. Chiggers have been out in full force causing me to avoid grass like the plague. I never had a single chigger bite until I was pregnant.
We do sneak out to the garden in the evening, after I've doused myself in bug spray from head to toe. This week we discovered some of our small squash plants have grown and are starting to flower.
Last week was my Mom's birthday. Our family bought her 2 kinds of morning glories and some beautiful dwarf zinnas. Matthew helped dig their holes.
This is my one closeup for the week. My camera was not cooperating.
So here is what it looks like now. The yard long beans are flowering. We harvested 7 purple green beans this week. The volunteer tomatoes are flowering. Matthew's tomato bush has over 17 green tomatoes on it. The peppers are flowering and have increased in number. The basil is big. The carrots are still crowded. Some of the radishes are nearing 5 ft tall. I had to pull and burn 5 radish plants because they were covered with little baby bugs. I've seen 2 squash bugs and both times they were on the radish plant (and then squished.) Since the squash all seems to be free of pests I guess the radishes are working out! I discovered I let some radishes go so long they set seed this week as well. Marigolds and nasturtiums are beginning to put on a color show. And last but not least, the sunflowers were 69" and are now taller then me!
Friday, July 1, 2011
kinderGARDEN Thursday: week 9
This week our assignment was to send our kids out to the garden to snap photos. Well, except for the 1st 2 photos they are all Matthew's. The first 2 I took because we had our first harvest. Other then that, nothing much has changed in our garden. Things are still growing along, but not producing much yet!

Laying them out carefully for photographing.
Very proud of his tomatoes, that he still thinks are yucky. We have over 12 tomatoes growing. Maybe the lettuce and tomatoes are going to be ready to pick at the same time!
Very excited to call his Dad every few days to tell him how huge Daddy's salsa peppers are getting.
Beautiful butterfly visiting each and every radish bloom and his sunflowers. They were 37 1/2" last week (forgot to mention that.) This week they are 53 1/2". They grow fast!
Rosebush outside the garden.
Very closeup coneflower. Hope you enjoyed Matthew's tour. (He wasn't as into it week as last. He was more interested in dogs and yard and things not related to the garden. Oh well!)
To see more kids perspectives in the garden, go to Kim's post here.
To see more kids perspectives in the garden, go to Kim's post here.
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